All right, this does not have anything to do with a gadget, but it is still a significant milestone for gamers. Do you remember Wolfenstein 3D when you played it a good couple of decades ago? Yes sir, the game has just turned 20, and id Software intends to celebrate this milestone by making Wolfenstein 3D playable on Web browsers, and for free, of course. I still remember playing it on a 386DX which chugged along to the tune of 16MHz back then, although there was no sound card installed and I had to make do with the puny beeps from the PC speaker. No idea on why the iTunes page points towards a $1.99 price point, but Bethesda claims it will be free later in the day. If you want to have a choice of four weapons in addition to eating an entire roasted chicken that is strategically placed on the floor after kicking some Hitler butt, head on here. Do take note that the classic I + L + M cheat does not work in the browser, I’ve tried it. Anyone else have had different luck with that?